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    The Czech Association of Medical Physicists in collaboration with EFOMP and Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation of Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague would would like to present the ESMPE e-learning course on the EFOMP School for Medical Physics Experts - Prague, Summer 2013. 

    The school will be aimed at advanced tasks related to PET/CT - from specification of PET/CT system properties to image reconstruction, fusion and evaluation. This two-and-half day event will be an EFOMP accredited one and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who want to become a Medical Physics Expert in Nuclear Medicine.

    EFOMP and ESMPE hugely wish to thank all the speakers who  have dedicated and shared some of their  valuable and precious  time to the success of this experience for the  benefit and professional growth of our MPE Community. We look forward to welcoming them again.

    Organizers: Jaroslav Ptacek, Martin Steiner (Czech Republic) Carmel Caruana, Marco Brambilla, Alberto Torresin, Peter Sharp, Stelios Christofides (EFOMP)

    e-learning editing:  Jaroslav Ptáček, Alberto Torresin

    e-learning supervisor: Alberto Torresin

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