• Welcome to EFOMP e-learning platform!!

    Dear Friends,

    Within the vision and resolution of a constant and fundamental path of growth of this community, EFOMP has accepted the proposal to collect and share with all the Medical Physics Experts and other healthcare professionals all over the world the precious material, contents and information discussed and proposed during the EFOMP School for Medical Physics Experts (ESMPE) events.

    Under the coordination of EFOMP Communications and Publications Committee, and the collaboration of the ESMPE Board and EFOMP website developer, we established a new tool for providing education opportunities for our community and we were proud of announcing the opening of the e-learning platform on the EFOMP website in January 2019.

    Within the e-learning platform, video recordings and pdfs of lectures given during the EFOMP school editions have been uploaded, starting from the three satellite ESMPE events which were held during ECMP2018 in Copenhagen and including the ESMPE Schools which have been held since then. The platform is continuously enriched with new material.

    We certainly welcome all comments determined to improve this new initiative. 

    In the meantime, we wish to thank:

    Alberto Torresin, EFOMP School chair, 2017-2020
    Efi Koutsouveli, EFOMP Internet Manager, 2017-2020
    Paolo Russo, EFOMP chair of Communications and Publications Committee, 2017-2019
    Christos Alexakos, EFOMP website developer

Available courses

    EFOMP in collaboration with the Italian Association of Medical Physics (AIFM) would like to invite you to the next ESMPE on 24th-26thOctober 2024.

    MRI is unquestionably the most complex but also the richest and most versatile imaging method. Although inherently quantitative, MRI has been used largely as a qualitative imaging technique, with the main limitation being the subjective nature of the results. An increasing number of diagnostic problems in clinical medicine require a quantitative assessment of tissue structure, physiology and function, which demand in-depth and systematic training.

    This course is addressed at medical physicists who seek a general overview of the basic principles of MR imaging, from signal generation to image reconstruction, with a special focus on optimization and quantification techniques. Technological advances in hardware as well as in software will be presented, including advanced MR sequences used in clinical routine and artifact management. The importance of standardization in clinical quantitative MRI will be underlined and an emphasis will be placed on quality assurance and multicenter comparison, including safety aspects.

    This two-and-half day event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation forMedical Physics) and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in clinalMRI. This course has been accredited by EBAMP as a CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 (26 CPDs + 9 CPDs for attendees who also successfully pass the exam).

    ESMPE have decided this event to be in a hybrid format. All talks will be given their on-site in Milan

    but participants can choose to attend the school on-site (limited number of participants) or online.


    MRI physics: signal generation, contrast, signal localization. MRI technology

    Clinical sequences and fast imaging techniques Quantification in MRI, quantitative advanced techniques Quality assurance in quantitative MRI

    Metrology and intercomparison


    B. McClean (Chair of the School)

    L. Altabella, I. Tsougos (Scientific Chair)

      This comprehensive course delves into the crucial contributions of medical physicists in shaping and ensuring the success of clinical trials. From trial design and leadership to quality assurance in imaging and radiotherapy trials, participants will gain valuable insights into optimizing trial data, implementing findings into daily practice, and navigating the evolving landscape of AI in clinical research. Led by esteemed experts in the field, this course offers a unique opportunity for dialogue, debate, and collaborative learning.This one-day event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8.


      Christian Rønn Hansen Odense University Hospital, Denmark

      Loredana Marcu University of Oradea, Romania

      Ane Appelt University of Leeds, UK

      Lorenzo Mazzoni USL Toscana Centro, Pistoia, Italy

      Camilla Panduro Nielsen Odense University Hospital, Denmark

      Jesper Grau Eriksen Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark

        EFOMP, in collaboration with the Czech Association of Medical Physicists (CAMP) and COCIR invite you to the next ESMPE on AI in Medical Physics. The school will be organized as a 2.5 days hybrid (remote and in presence) meeting, which will be held in Prague from 5th to 7th of October 2023.

        The school will focus on advanced Medical Physics aspects of Artificial Intelligence and aims at presenting practical methodology, state-of-the-art and future developments of AI. In order to be able to participate to the school, the remote self-training part, available at https://e-learning.efomp.org/ , needs to be completed. Students who did not attend the on-line and propaedeutic module of the school will not be able to enroll to the face-to-face event.

        The School is accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as a CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 with 41 CPD points. Attendees who also successfully pass the course examinations obtain an extra 17 CPD points for an overall total of 58 CPD points. The School is intended for Medical Physicists or associated professions who wish to expand their knowledge in Artificial intelligence. ESMPE have decided this event will be in a hybrid format. All lecturers will give their talks on-site in Prague but participants can choose if they want to attend the school on-site (limited number of participants) or online, it will be live-streamed.

        Content for the face to face event

        • AI for dose and protocol optimization
        • AI for workflow optimization and automation
        • Advanced Quality Assurance for AI medical devices
        • Regulatory aspects
        • Session with industry (only for in presence)


        Federica Zanca, Alberto Torresin (Scientific Chairs)

        Brendan McClean (Chair of the ESMPE), Efi Koutsouveli (EFOMP Vice President)

        Jaroslav Ptáček, Lucie Súkupová (CAMP)

          • EFOMP overview
          • Structure & Mission
          • Current activities, challenges and opportunities
          • Getting involved
          • Questions
          • We will record webinar 

            EFOMP would like to invite you to the next ESMPE in AI in medical physics. The school will be organized as pre-course in remote with self-training  (AI course part 1) plus a 2.5 days face to face meeting (advanced AI course part 2, which will be held in October 2023). The course is organized in collaboration with COCIR

            The online course is preparatory to the AI part 2 course. Participation in the part 2 course requires that you have taken (self-study) the online course.

            The school will be focused on the medical physics aspects of artificial intelligence and will be aimed at presenting the background, practical methodology, state-of-the-art and future developments of AI.

            This course (remote self-training and evaluation) is intended for medical physicists who wish to expand their knowledge in artificial intelligence. Certificates of attendance will be issued to those who attend the whole course (part 1 e part 2).

            Content for the remote training

            The strategic role, competence and education of medical physicist in the era of AI

            • Medical Imaging analysis
            • Basics of machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) in imaging
            • Introduction on how to develop AI applications
            • Role of the MP: how to deal with AI-based commercial solutions
            • Big Data and Enterprise Imaging
            • Radiomics
            • Quality, Regulatory and Ethical issues


            Federica Zanca (Chair of the School), Alberto Torresin (Chair of the School),

            Brendan McClean (Chair of the ESMPE)

            Efi Koutsouveli (Secretary General) and

            Christos Alexakos (ESMPE online platform)

              This one day satellite meeting will be held in conjunction with the 3rd European Congress of Medical Physics and teaching sessions covering the main topics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and focusing mainly on Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL).

              These methods are becoming increasingly essential in the field of medical physics and healthcare in general. The methods are also developing fast and there is a clear need to provide training of the fundamentals and recent findings concerning AI/ML/DL techniques to medical physicists in Europe. 

              This is the motivation to create this ESMPE module. The event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board for Accreditation in Medical Physics) and is intended for practising clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in any of our sub-fields. The main lecture topics are related to radiology and radiation therapy applications. 

              OrganizersMika Kortesniemi, Annalisa Trianni (Scientific Chairs)  Alberto Torresin (Chair of the School)

                The Hellenic Association of Medical Physics (HAMP) and the Medical Physics Unit of the 2nd Dept. of Radiology, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian, University of Athens would like to invite you to an online workshop in non ionizing and ionizing radiation against COVID-19.  The workshop will be organized as a 3 hours virtual meeting and will be held on 9th July 2021, 16:30-19:50 CEST. It  aims at presenting the main aspects regarding the use of ionising and non ionising radiations against SARS CoV2 and Covid19.  Specifically, the workshop includes an introductory session on SARS cov2, followed by a session on the use of non ionizing radiation for protection purposes against the coronavirus.  The third session focuses on the use of ionizing radiation for diagnostic and treatment purposes in the fight against Covid19. This one-day event is accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as a CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 7 and awarded 11 CPD credit points. 

                HAMP Organizers: Pola Platoni, Efstathios Efstathopoulos, Ioannis Seimenis, Efi Koutsouveli

                  The course provides participants with a thorough understanding of positron emission tomography – computed tomography (PET/CT) instrumentation and its diverse applications in the field of medical imaging and oncology in research and practice.

                  The course explores the cutting-edge advancements in PET technology, including the design and functionality of advanced clinical PET systems. Beyond hardware novelty (e.g. long axial field-of-view scanners, crystal/detector coupling), the course concentrates on image reconstruction considering both conventional iterative methods including detector and noise modelling to the new-developed deep learning techniques.

                  Moreover, the course explores the essential aspects of quality assurance protocols with a particular attention to ensure the reliability and reproducibility of quantitative measurements both in a single site environment both promoting harmonization of PET/CT scanners across different sites, emphasizing the importance of standardizing imaging protocols to maintain consistency and facilitate inter-institutional collaboration.

                  Quantitative PET analysis techniques, including semi-quantification and dynamic imaging with kinetic modeling, are also introduced and emphasis is placed on the pivotal role of PET imaging biomarkers in oncology, offering insights into their application in the diagnosis, treatment planning, and response assessment.

                  This one-day event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8.


                  Stephane Chauvie Santa Croce e Carle Hospital, Italy

                  Jörg Peter Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Germany

                  Dimitris Visvikis National Institute of Health and Medical. Research (INSERM), France

                    The European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP)1 is an umbrella organization for 36 National Member Organisations which together represent around 10000 medical physicists and clinical engineers working in the field of medical physics. Supporting bodies of EFOMP are its 6 advisory committees, the European School for Medical Physics Experts (ESMPE), the European Journal of Medical Physics (EJMP), Working Groups and Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

                    The first EFOMP SIG (Radionuclide Internal Dosimetry / SIG_FRID) was officially created in February 2021. The SIG_FRID is a permanent structure with an objective to create a network of medical physicists working in radionuclide dosimetry and fulfil the need for networking, education, research and professional exchanges in this field.

                    EFOMP SIG_FRID organised the 1st EFOMP Symposium on Molecular Radiotherapy Dosimetry in Athens, Greece from November 9th to November 11th 2023. The Symposium gave the opportunity:

                    • to review and share ongoing developments in radionuclide imaging and dosimetry;
                    • to consider how personalised treatments may improve effectiveness at a time of rapid expansion of theragnostics and molecular radiotherapy
                    • to discuss networking and synergies within a multi-disciplinary community at a time of challenge and opportunity.

                    This event brought together, for the first time, 180 physicists and clinicians with a strong interest in molecular radiotherapy. Scientific aspects concerning imaging, internal dosimetry and radiation protection was discussed in addition to clinical practice. A main aim of the meeting was to share experience and resources. It has been an opportunity for stakeholders to build networks, to discuss how to move forward and to establish close working relationships between academia, the clinic and industry.

                    The Symposium was hosted by the Hellenic Association of Medical Physicists and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Its structure was composed of an Organising and Scientific Committee and within the programme there were 8 regular sessions , 3 ePoster sessions, 2 Continuous Professional Development (CPD) sessions, a Round table and a Sponsor Session. EFOMP policy statement NO. 19: Dosimetry in nuclear medicine therapy – Molecular radiotherapy 2 was officially presented here.

                    This abstract book contains the abstracts of the 1st Symposium on Molecular Radiotherapy Dosimetry. All studies were presented as oral communications during the event and were also available during the meeting.

                    This event has been accredited by the European Board for Accreditation in Medical Physics (EBAMP) as a CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 7 and has been judged to have 19 hours of educational experience, which, according to the EBAMP protocol is equivalent to 27 CPD points (Accreditation Code for the event is: APP00249).

                      "Dosimetry Case report"; clinical cases related to dosimetry will be discussed during this series of webinars with plenty of time for discussion.

                        The school aims to illustrate the EFOMP PET/CT and PET/MR Quality Control Protocol. 

                        This one-day event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in Nuclear Medicine.


                        Roberta Matheoud University Hospital Maggiore della Carità, Novara, Italy

                        Jaroslav Ptacek University Hospital Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic

                        Marine Soret Service de Médecine Nucléaire, AP-HP Sorbonne Université, Paris, France

                          The EFOMP in collaboration with EURADOS, IRPA, the Kaunas University of Technology and the Lithuanian Association of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering organised ESMPE school in Individual dosimetry in medical applications 2021.

                          The school is a 1-day satellite Workshop before and in conjunction with the 15th International Conference “Medical Physics in the Baltic States 2021», which will be held on 5-6 November 2021 in Kaunas, Lithuania.

                          The school will be aimed at advanced tasks connected with staff dosimetry in medical applications. The school will cover all the aspects related to the establishment of a programme of individual monitoring for workers in medical facilities.

                            This one day satellite meeting will be held in conjunction with the 3rd European Congress of Medical Physics. This mini-course will focus on practical issues related to the implementation of clinical nuclear medicine dosimetry, mostly in a therapeutic context.

                            The morning session will present a basic reminder of NM dosimetry principles and use, discuss available software solutions for clinical dosimetry and present uncertainty analysis applied to Nuclear Medicine dosimetry practice according to recent EANM guidelines*. The afternoon session will be dedicated to reproducibility, robustness and metrology applied to nuclear medicine dosimetry. Finally, OpenDose3D, an opensource 3D Slicer module for patientspecific dosimetry will be demonstrated. The event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board for Accreditation in Medical Physics) and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in the field of NM dosimetry.

                            Organizers: Manuel Bardiès, Jaroslav Ptáček (Scientific Chairs) Alberto Torresin (Chair of the School)

                              The workshop PET-CT " PET-CT Molecular Imaging: physics, advances & clinical applications" took place virtually on February 6, 2021 in the memory of our colleague and member of the Hellenic Association of Medical Physics (HAMP) board Maria Kotzasarlidou, who lost the fight with COVID-19 in December 2020.

                              HAMP workshop on HAMP: PET-CT " PET-CT  Molecular Imaging: physics, advances  & clinical applications" (5h)

                              The educational event is jointly organised by the Medical Physics Unit of the University of Athens, the Hellenic Association of Medical Physicists and is supported by the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics

                                The ESMPE will organise medical physics education and training events specifically targeted towards Medical Physicists who are already MPEs or would like to achieve MPE status.

                                These events are open to all European Medical Physicists and will be accredited by an independent body to ensure that they are at the required educational level, i.e., Level 8 of the European Qualifications Framework. 

                                The ESMPE is committed to document, implement and maintain a quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness in order to assure a quality service to individuals attending the School.

                                Organizers: Jaroslav Ptáček, Tereza Kráčmerova (Czech Republic), Manuel Bardiès (Scientific Chair), Alberto Torresin (Chair of the School)

                                e-learning editing AVC-ČVUT, z.s. and Christos Alexakos (EFOMP Web Master)

                                e-learning supervisor : Alberto Torresin

                                  The EFOMP, EANM (The European Association of Nuclear Medicine) and COCIR (The European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry) in collaboration with the Czech Association of Medical Physicists and the Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation of Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague would like to present the  ESMPE e-learning course on Nuclear Medicine 2020. 

                                  During the course advanced tasks connected to molecular imaging related to methods, detector technology and the main physics aspects of multimodal PET and SPECT imaging systems, patient dosimetry and optimization are discussed.

                                  This edition is jointly organized by EFOMP, ESMIT and COCIR. Lecturers identified by COCIR will give insides on the new scientific trends for novel PET and SPECT equipments.

                                  The first day is dedicated to SPECT, the second to PET, the third is both.  New developments of digital PET are presented. In the first two days in the morning scientific lectures from Physics prospective are presented and later scientific lectures by Industry 

                                  This two-and-half day event were accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in the Nuclear Medicine Imaging field. 

                                  Organizers: Adriaan Lammertsma , Stefaan Vandenberghe (Scientific Chairs), Alberto Torresin (Chair of the School) ,Jaroslav Ptácek, Tereza Hanušová (CAMP)

                                  e-learning editing :  AVC-ČVUT, z.s. and Christos Alexakos (EFOMP Web Master)

                                  e-learning supervisor : Alberto Torresin

                                    The school will be aimed at introducing the most recent aspects of Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry.

                                    This one day satellite meeting will be held in conjunction with the 2nd European Congress of Medical Physics.

                                    The event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board for Accreditation in Medical Physics) and is intended for practising clinical Medical Physicists who are involved, or intend to be involved, in Nuclear Medicine dosimetry.

                                    The event is under the auspices of the EANM.


                                    • The MIRD formalism for radiopharmaceutical dosimetry
                                    • Diagnostic dosimetry
                                    • Activity determination
                                    • Cumulated activity assessment
                                    • Absorbed dose algorithms
                                    • Absorbed dose effect
                                    • Bone marrow dosimetry
                                    • Dosimetry for PRRT
                                    • Preclinical dosimetry
                                    • Monte-Carlo modelling in nuclear Medicine

                                    EFOMP and ESMPE hugely wish to thank all the speakers who  have dedicated and shared some of their  valuable and precious  time to the success of this experience for the  benefit and professional growth of our MPE Community. We look forward to welcoming them again.

                                    Organizers: Manuel Bardiès (Scientific Chair), Marta Cremonesi, Marco Brambilla (Chair of the School)

                                    e-learning editing :  Alberto Torresin and Christos Alexakos (EFOMP Web Master)

                                    e-learning supervisor : Alberto Torresin

                                      The Czech Association of Medical Physicists in collaboration with EFOMP and Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation of Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague would would like to present the ESMPE e-learning course on the EFOMP School for Medical Physics Experts - Prague, Summer 2013. 

                                      The school will be aimed at advanced tasks related to PET/CT - from specification of PET/CT system properties to image reconstruction, fusion and evaluation. This two-and-half day event will be an EFOMP accredited one and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who want to become a Medical Physics Expert in Nuclear Medicine.

                                      EFOMP and ESMPE hugely wish to thank all the speakers who  have dedicated and shared some of their  valuable and precious  time to the success of this experience for the  benefit and professional growth of our MPE Community. We look forward to welcoming them again.

                                      Organizers: Jaroslav Ptacek, Martin Steiner (Czech Republic) Carmel Caruana, Marco Brambilla, Alberto Torresin, Peter Sharp, Stelios Christofides (EFOMP)

                                      e-learning editing:  Jaroslav Ptáček, Alberto Torresin

                                      e-learning supervisor: Alberto Torresin

                                        The school will provide an overview of radiation biology, from the basics models to the clinically applied models such as the LQM. In addition, the course reviews the impact of oxygen in radiation therapy of tissues/cells. This one-day event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in Radiotherapy.


                                        Joao Seco German Cancer Research Center, DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany

                                        Iuliana Toma-Dasu Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

                                        Thomas Schmidt TUM, Munich, Germany

                                        Francesca Ballarini Universita di Pavia, Pavia, Italy

                                        Christian Karger DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany

                                        Emily Kjellsson Lindblom Stockholm University and Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

                                          The EFOMP in collaboration with EURADOS, the University of Novi Sad and the Serbian Association of Medical Physics (SAMP) would like to invite you to the next ESMPE in out of field doses and associated risks of cancer in Radiotherapy. 

                                          The school will be organized as a 1-day satellite Workshop on the 19th October before and in conjunction with the 11th Alpe Adria meeting, which will be held in Novi Sad, Serbia. 

                                          The school will be aimed at advanced tasks connected with patient dosimetry in Radiotherapy. The school will cover all the aspects related to the establishment of a programme of assessment of out-of- field doses during a radiotherapy treatment. 

                                          The event will be in a hybrid format. All lecturers will give their talks on-site in Novi Sad but participants can choose if they want to attend the school on-site or online.

                                          This course has been accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as a CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and has been judged to have 6 hours of educational experience, (including 1 hour of interactive discussion) which, according to the EBAMP protocol is equivalent to 14 CPD points. It is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in dosimetry in radiotherapy and in patient radioprotection. it will be live-streamed.  


                                          • Epidemiology of second cancer Dosimetry of non target doses 
                                          • Estimation of out-of-field doses 
                                          • Out-of-field doses in pediatric patients
                                          • Contribution of imaging to out-of-field doses 
                                          • Risk estimations in out-of-field doses  


                                          Brendan McClean, (Chair of the School)  

                                          Marco Brambilla (EFOMP)  and Liliana Stolarczyk  EURADOS  (Scientific Chairs) 

                                          Borislava Petrovic (SAMP), Efi Koutsouveli (EFOMP) 

                                            This one day satellite meeting will be held in conjunction with the 3rd European Congress of Medical Physics. The vast majority of radiotherapy centers undertake some form of Patient Specific Quality Assurance (PSQA) for some or all patients undergoing advanced RT treatments.

                                            While there is some potential benefit in doing this, there are significant challenges in terms of resources required and in understanding the inherent assumptions and limitations of the different equipment and techniques used. This workshop is intended to first allow the participants to consider why we should (or should not) undertake PSQA. The faculty will then explore the main approaches to PSQA (pre-treatment, on-treatment and post-treatment). This exploration is intended to provide participants with an opportunity to examine the underlying assumptions, recognise the advantages and limitations of each approach and assess of the output from each.

                                            The event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board for Accreditation in Medical Physics) and is intended for practising clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in Radiation Oncology clinical routine.

                                            Organizers: Brendan McClean, Efi Koutsouveli (Scientific Chairs), Alberto Torresin (Chair of the School)

                                              EFOMP, in collaboration with the Czech Association of Medical Physicists (CAMP) and the Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation of the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague invite you to the next ESMPE on 13th-15th July 2023.

                                              The school will be aimed at different aspects of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT), from basics to treatment imaging and planning to motion management, quality assurance and image guidance. Moreover, it will cover current hot topics, such as Cardiac SBRT (radioablation) and FLASH. And finally, attendees should get to know what the role of medical physicists in clinical SBRT trials is.

                                              This two-and-a-half day event is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in SBRT and is accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as a CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8. The event has been judged to have 15 hours of educational experience, which, according to the EBAMP protocol is equivalent to 23 CPD points. As in past school editions, there will be an optional examination at the end for those seeking a higher level of certification beyond attendance. Attendees who also successfully pass the exam obtain an extra 8 CPD points for a total of 31 CPD points.

                                              ESMPE have decided this event will be in a hybrid format. All lecturers will give their talks on-site in Prague but participants can choose if they want to attend the school on-site (limited number of participants) or online, it will be live-streamed.

                                              Please note: All times shown are in CET


                                              Introduction to and Requirements for SBRT

                                              Clinical Trial Involvement and Audits

                                              Patient Preparation and Imaging

                                              Treatment Planning

                                              Quality Assurance

                                              Treatment Delivery

                                              Special Machines and Techniques

                                              Final exam

                                              The final exam is voluntary. Participants can gain additional credits when successfully pass the test.


                                              Brendan McClean (Chair of the School), Efi Koutsouveli (EFOMP Vice President)

                                              Oliver Blanck, Serenella Russo (Scientific Chairs)

                                              Jaroslav Ptáček, Tereza Hanušová (CAMP)

                                              The school will explore the advantages and limitations of different approaches to adaptive radiotherapy using imaging modalities available today , as well as a look to the future of adaptive radiotherapy. This one one-day event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in Radiotherapy.


                                              Christoph Bert Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Erlangen, Germany

                                              Ben Heijmen Erasmus University Hospital, Rotterdam, Netherlands

                                              Oliver Jäkel DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany

                                              Efi Koutsouveli Hygeia Hospital, Athens, Greece

                                              Jamie McClelland University College London, UK

                                              Brendan McClean Saint Lukes Radiation Oncology Network, Dublin, Ireland

                                              Niklas Wahr DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany

                                                EFOMP jointly with COCIR would like to invite you to the next ESMPE in Hybrid Approaches in Radiation Therapy. The school will be organized as a 2-day virtual meeting, which will be held on 12th–13th October 2021.

                                                The school will be focused on therapies and devices using hybrid concepts in which the classical radiation therapy is nowadays fused with a second approach to establish the current treatment standard. The aim will be presenting the background, practical methodology, state-of-the-art and future developments. All of the lectures will be delivered live (i.e. not pre-recorded).

                                                This two-day event has been accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as a CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 23 CPD credit points. The school is intended for Medical Physicists Experts who wish to expand their knowledge in hybrid radiation therapy approaches. Certificates of attendance will be issued to those who attend the whole course.


                                                • Radiation therapy concepts
                                                • Image guided radiation therapy (IGRT)
                                                • Adaptive radiation therapy (ART)
                                                • Surface guided radiation therapy (SGRT)
                                                • Brachytherapy


                                                Alberto Torresin (Chair of the School),

                                                Christoph Bert and Jose Perez-Calatayud (Scientific Co-Chairs)

                                                Efi Koutsouveli and Thomas Amorgianiotis (EFOMP online platforms)

                                                  EFOMP would like to invite you to the next ESMPE in MRI in Radiation Therapy Planning. The school will be organized as a 2-day virtual meeting, which will be held on 5th–6thMay 2021.

                                                  The school will be focused on the Medical Physics aspects of Radiation Therapy Planning using MRI and will be aimed at presenting the background, practical methodology, state-of-the-art and future developments. All of the lectures will be delivered live (i.e. not pre-recorded).

                                                  This two-day event is accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics)as a CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 18 CPD credit points. It is intended for Medical Physicists Experts who wish to expand their knowledge in radiation therapy planning using MRI. Certificates of attendance will be issued to those who attend the whole course.

                                                    EFOMP would like to invite you to the next ESMPE in Particle Therapy: State of the art and future developments. The school will be organized as a 2-day virtual meeting, which will be held on 10th-11th December 2020.

                                                    The school will be focused on the Medical Physics aspects of Particle Therapy and will be aimed at presenting the state-of-the-art and future developments in Particle Therapy.

                                                    This two-day event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as a CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and is intended for Medical Physicists Experts who wish to expand their knowledge in Particle Therapy. Certificates of attendance will be given to those who attend the whole course.

                                                      The EFOMP and COCIR (The European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry) in collaboration with the Polish Society for Medical Physics (PSMP) prepared the  ESMPE e-learning course on Radiotherapy 2019.

                                                      The course was endorsed by ESTRO.

                                                      The audio and video material comes from the "in vivo recording" of the ESMPE Autumn School 2019.

                                                      The school will be aimed at advanced tasks connected with the use of Treatment Planning systems in radiotherapy planning. The school will cover the main physics aspects of the input data to treatment planning systems, an overview of the main dose calculation approaches, use of imaging in RT planning and delivery and future developments.

                                                      This edition is jointly organized by EFOMP and COCIR:lecturers identified by COCIR will give insides on the technical solution adopted by manufacturers in the relevant fields of dose calculation and optimization.

                                                      This two-and-half day event has been accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 33 CPD credit points (25 CPD credit points for those who do not sit for or do not pass the examination) and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in radiotherapy treatment planning.

                                                      EFOMP and ESMPE hugely wish to thank all the speakers who  have dedicated and shared some of their  valuable and precious  time to the success of this experience for the  benefit and professional growth of our MPE Community. We look forward to welcoming them again.

                                                      Organizers: Brendan McClean (Scientific Chair), Pawel Kukolowicz and Anna Zawadzka (Polish Society), Efi Koutsouveli (ESMPE Board),  Alberto Torresin (Chair of the School)

                                                      e-learning editingAVC-ČVUT, z.s. and Christos Alexakos (EFOMP Web Master)

                                                      e-learning supervisor : Alberto Torresin

                                                        The school will be aimed at improving the skills in the ­field of the inverse planning for IMRT and VMAT in daily clinical practice.

                                                        This one day satellite meeting will be held in conjunction with the 2nd European Congress of Medical Physics and teaching sessions covering the main topics of inverse planning will provide the background for live exercises using clinical cases.

                                                        The event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board for Accreditation in Medical Physics) and is intended for practising clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in radiotherapy treatment planning.


                                                        • Objective functions for IMRT planning: physical and biological optimization
                                                        • Practical IMRT/VMAT planning
                                                        • Knowledge Based treatment planning
                                                        • Managing tradeoffs in radiation therapy: the multicriteria optimization

                                                        EFOMP and ESMPE hugely wish to thank all the speakers who  have dedicated and shared some of their  valuable and precious  time to the success of this experience for the  benefit and professional growth of our MPE Community. We look forward to welcoming them again.

                                                        Organizers: Brendan McClean (Scientific Chair), Gianfranco Loi, Eva Samsøe, Marco Brambilla (Chair of the School)

                                                        e-learning editing :  Alberto Torresin and Christos Alexakos (EFOMP Web Master)

                                                        e-learning supervisor : Alberto Torresin

                                                          EFOMP, in collaboration with COCIR, the Czech Association of Medical Physicists and the Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation of Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague invite you to the next ESMPE on 26th-28th January 2023.

                                                          The school will be aimed at different aspects of CT imaging, from the basics to advanced level in different areas. Moreover, it will cover current hot topics, such as lung cancer screening and photon-counting CT. And finally, attendees should get to know what the role of medical physicists can be in the future.

                                                          This two-and-a-half day event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in CT imaging. As in past school editions, there will be an optional examination at the end for those seeking a higher level of certification beyond attendance. ESMPE have decided this event will be in a hybrid format. All lecturers will give their talks on-site in Prague but participants can choose if they want to attend the school on-site (limited number of participants) or online, it will be live-streamed.

                                                          CT technology, image reconstruction and optimization
                                                          Dual-energy and spectral imaging
                                                          Lung cancer screening
                                                          CT interventional procedures
                                                          Artificial intelligence

                                                          Final exam
                                                          The final exam is voluntary. Participants can gain additional credits when successfully pass the test.

                                                          Brendan McClean (Chair of the School)
                                                          Marc Kachelrieß, Lucie Sukupova (Scientific Chairs)
                                                          Jaroslav Ptáček, Tereza Hanušová (CAMP)

                                                            The school aims to present the draft EFOMP Digital Breast tomosynthesis Quality Control Protocol with opportunities for discussion and feedback. This feedback will be taken into account in the final version of the protocol.

                                                            This one-day event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in mammography/digital breast tomosynthesis.


                                                            Ruben van Engen Dutch expert Center for screening, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

                                                            Ioannis Sechopoulos Radboud university medical center and Dutch expert Center for screening, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

                                                            Niall Phelan BreastCheck, Dublin, Ireland

                                                            Alistair Mackenzie National Co-ordinating Centre for the Physics of Mammography, Guildford, UK

                                                            Nick Marshall University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium

                                                            Valentina Ravaglia Medical Physics Department, AUSL Romagna, Italy

                                                              The EFOMP and COCIR (The European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry) in collaboration with the Czech Association of Medical Physicists and the Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation of Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague would like to present the ESMPE e-learning course on Interventional Radiology 2019, obtained from the school's registration of EFOMP Summer School 2019.

                                                              The school will be aimed at advanced tasks connected with Angiographic Equipment. The school will particularly focus on advanced tasks , covering the main physics aspects of the angiographic equipment technology, patient and staff dosimetry and optimization.

                                                              The School is jointly organized by EFOMP and COCIR and is endorsed by ESR. Lecturers identified by COCIR will give insides on the new trends for angiographic equipment.

                                                              The two-and-half day event has been accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 34 CPD credit points (25 CPD credit points for those who do not sit for or do not pass the examination) and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in the Interventional field.

                                                              EFOMP and ESMPE hugely wish to thank all the speakers who  have dedicated and shared some of their  valuable and precious  time to the success of this experience for the  benefit and professional growth of our MPE Community. We look forward to welcoming them again.

                                                              Organizers: Jaroslav Ptáček, Tereza Kráčmerova (Czech Republic), Annalisa Trianni (Scientific Chair), Alberto Torresin (Chair of the School)

                                                              e-learning editing: AVC-ČVUT, z.s. and Christos Alexakos (EFOMP Web Master)

                                                              e-learning supervisor: Alberto Torresin

                                                                The EFOMP and COCIR (The European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry) in collaboration with the Czech Association of Medical Physicists and the Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation of Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague would like to present the  ESMPE e-learning course on Computed Tomogaphy.

                                                                The school will be aimed at advanced tasks connected with Computed Tomography. The school will cover the main physics aspects of the CT technology, Dosimetry and Optimization.

                                                                This edition is jointly organized by EFOMP and COCIR. Lecturers identified by COCIR will give insides on the technical solution adopted by manufacturers in the relevant fields of CT dose reduction and optimization.

                                                                This two-and-half day event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in Computed Tomography. As in last year’s school, there will be an optional examination at the end for those seeking a higher level of certification beyond attendance.

                                                                EFOMP and ESMPE hugely wish to thank all the speakers who  have dedicated and shared some of their  valuable and precious  time to the success of this experience for the  benefit and professional growth of our MPE Community. We look forward to welcoming them again.


                                                                Organizers: Jaroslav Ptácek, Tereza Hanušová (Czech Republic), Mika Kortesniemi (Scientific Chair), Marco Brambilla (Chair of the School)

                                                                e-learning editing :  Alberto Torresin and Christos Alexakos (EFOMP Web Master)

                                                                e-learning supervisor : Alberto Torresin

                                                                  EFOMP, in collaboration with the Czech Association of Medical Physicists and the Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation of Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical  Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague invite you to the next ESMPE on 10th - 12th February 2022.

                                                                  The school will be aimed at advanced tasks connected to site planning and shielding design in medical installation The school will cover the main radioprotection aspects of the shielding  calculations for typical medical installations

                                                                  This two and a half day event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in the  Radiation protection field as Radiation Protection Experts As in past school editions, there will be an optional examination at the end for those seeking a higher level of certification beyond  attendance ESMPE have decided this event will be in a hybrid format Participants and lecturers will be on site in Prague where possible, but the school will also be live streamed so participants  can join live online if they cannot travel to the venue


                                                                  • Radiation protection principles applied to radiation shielding design
                                                                  • Methodology for Diagnostic and interventional X ray Shielding (conventional, CT, IR)
                                                                  • Methodology for Nuclear Medicine Shielding (conventional, PET, NM therapy)
                                                                  • Methodology for Radiation Therapy Shielding (LINAC, special equipment, Proton)
                                                                  • Radiation protection surveys
                                                                  • Worked Examples


                                                                  Brendan McClean (Chair of the School)

                                                                  Paddy Gilligan, Marco Brambilla (Scientific Chairs)

                                                                  Jaroslav Ptáček, Tereza Hanušová (CAMP)

                                                                    EFOMP in collaboration with the Czech Association of Medical Physics (CAMP) would like to invite you to the next ESMPE on 8th-10th February 2024.

                                                                    The school will be aimed at advanced tasks connected with the use of uncertainty analyses and statistical methods in data handling and interpretation. The school will cover the methods of inferential statistics most frequently used in the medical field in the first day, and the treatment of errors an uncertainties in medical imaging, radiation dosimetry, radiomics and epidemiology in the following days. The focus will be on worked examples.

                                                                    This two-and-half day event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in data management and research. There will be an optional examination at the end for those seeking a higher level of certification beyond attendance.

                                                                    ESMPE have decided this event will be in a hybrid format. All lecturers will give their talks on-site in Prague but participants can choose if they want to attend the school on-site (limited number of participants) or online, it will be live-streamed.


                                                                    • Sample Size determination. Sample size determination for different study designs
                                                                    • Evaluation of a diagnostic test – Sensitivity, specificity, diagnostic accuracy, ROC methods
                                                                    • Applied regression analysis. Analysis of variance, Analysis of Covariance, multiple
                                                                    • regression, logistic regression
                                                                    • Survival analysis – Relative risks Odds ratio. Survival curves with Kaplan Meyer; Log-rank
                                                                    • test; Cox models
                                                                    • Reproducibility and repeatability in radiomics.
                                                                    • Errors an uncertainties in radiation dosimetry – Theory of error and uncertainty analysis:
                                                                    • Type A and B uncertainty, assessment of the quality of a measurement or calculation.
                                                                    • Agreement in Radiotherapy – How to assess agreement in Dose distributions and Volume


                                                                    Brendan McClean (Chair of the School)

                                                                    Marco Brambilla (Scientific Chair)

                                                                      EFOMP in collaboration with the Hellenic Association of Medical Physics (HAMP) and the 2nd Department of Radiology, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens would like to invite you to the next ESMPE on 13th-15th October 2022.

                                                                      The school will be aimed at advanced tasks connected with the use of statistical methods in data handling and interpretation. The school will cover the methods of inferential statistics most frequently used in the medical field, the statistical methods used in radiomics, the treatment of errors an uncertainties in radiation dosimetry. This course is designed to be accessible to all medical physicists including students and those working in clinical environments and are involved in data management and research.

                                                                      This two-day event has been accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as a CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and awarded 39 CPD credit points (33 CPD credit points for those who do not sit for or do not pass the examination). As in past school editions, there will be an optional examination at the end for those seeking a higher level of certification beyond attendance.

                                                                      ESMPE have decided this event will be in a hybrid format. Participants will be on-site in Athens where possible, but the school will also be live-streamed so participants can join live online if they cannot travel to the venue. Please note: All times shown are in Greek time (CET+1h).

                                                                      Organisers: Brendan McClean (Chair of the School), Marco Brambilla (Scientific Chair), Efi Koutsouveli, Pola Platoni (HAMP)

                                                                        The school will be aimed at advanced tasks connected with the application of statistics in Medical Physics.

                                                                        This one day satellite meeting will be held in conjunction with the 2nd European Congress of Medical Physics and will cover the methods most frequently used in medical statistics.

                                                                        The event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board for Accreditation in Medical Physics) and is intended for practising clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in data management and research.

                                                                        EFOMP and ESMPE hugely wish to thank all the speakers who  have dedicated and shared some of their  valuable and precious  time to the success of this experience for the  benefit and professional growth of our MPE Community. We look forward to welcoming them again.


                                                                        Organizers: Marco Brambilla (Scientific Chair and Chair of the School), Peter Sharp

                                                                        e-learning editing :  Alberto Torresin and Christos Alexakos (EFOMP Web Master)

                                                                        e-learning supervisor : Alberto Torresin

                                                                          It is with great pleasure that EFOMP offers the first asynchronous course providing credits for Medical Physicists. The course is under accreditation by the EBAMP board. Since it is a pilot course, it is reserved for EFOMP IAMs, but, as you may know, anyone can be IAM!

                                                                          COURSE INFORMATION

                                                                          In order to attend the course you must be an IAM.

                                                                          Participation Fee: 50% discount compared to standard prices:

                                                                          • Normal fee: € 80 => with discount: € 40 
                                                                          • Low income countries fee: € 50 => with discount: € 25

                                                                          Total hours of video lecturers: 13 h

                                                                          CPDs: under EBAMP Evaluation. Credits will be communicated as soon as possible.

                                                                          Course duration on line: 6 months

                                                                          Running: from 15/02/2025 to 15/08/2025.

                                                                          COURSE STRUCTURE 

                                                                          The course is structured in 13 hours of video-lectures, selected from those given live during the 3 ESMPEs on Statistics and Uncertainties held in Prague and Athens.

                                                                          You can watch and listen to each video as many times as you like. At the beginning of each lecture there is a slide with the “learning objectives”, which you must demonstrate that you have assimilated in order to obtain the CPDs.

                                                                          CPDs are obtained by passing the final multiple-choice exam, which will be presented to you when you have attended the entire 13-hour video lesson package. Questions and answers are randomized.

                                                                          The exam has a minimum score of 75%, you can retake it 3 consecutive times, but if you fail you have to retake the course. You then have 2 more attempts to pass the exam.

                                                                          The course will be online for 6 months, and from the moment you are enrolled, you will be able to log on when it is convenient for you, as many times as you want.

                                                                          Throughout the six months, an online forum will be available to share doubts and concerns and to discuss between participants.

                                                                          In addition, a highly competent tutor (Dr. Marco Brambilla, the scientific chair) is available to answer on the forum any doubts or questions you may have. Give him perhaps a few days, but he will certainly answer you!

                                                                          At the end of the course you will be provided with a certificate of attendance and a certificate stating the number of CPDs obtained. If necessary, at your request, you can also be provided with a certificate stating when and for how long you were connected to e-lement to follow the course.

                                                                          Moreover, you will also be asked to fill in a satisfaction questionnaire, which is indispensable for us to provide continuously improving quality education. As usual, EFOMP's policy is to offer quality education at affordable prices, so as to address as many people as possible. We hope you appreciate our efforts and advertise e-lement and our courses.

                                                                          Good training!

                                                                          Veronica Rossetti – Education & Training Committee Chairperson

                                                                            EFOMP-AAPM Global Early Career Research Subcommittee (GECRSC) is excited to present a collaborative webinar on "Bridging Continents: Inspiring Journeys of Medical Physicists Between Europe and North America"!

                                                                            This webinar will feature both established and early-career (EC) medical physicists, including Global Rising Stars (GRS), who will share their unique experiences, perspectives, and advice. Learn about the valuable pathways that individuals from Europe can take when navigating transitioning into clinical and academic medical physics in Europe to North America, including crucial steps for pursuing medical physics research, board certifications, and building a robust professional network. Gain insider perspectives on navigating academic medical physics, including differences and securing research grants, and opportunities for leadership and professional development at institutional to international scales. Our speakers will offer insights that can propel your career in medical physics forward.


                                                                                    Thomas Bortfeld, PhD, Chief of Physics Division and Professor of Radiation Oncology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, USA

                                                                                    Jenny Bertholet, PhD, Academic-Clinical Medical Physicist, Insel Gruppe, Switzerland

                                                                                    Viktor Iakovenko, PhD, Assistant Professor in Radiation Oncology, UT Southwestern, USA


                                                                                    Morgan Aire, Louisiana State University, USA

                                                                                    Antonio Jreije, PhD, Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos, Lithuania

                                                                              1. Patient dosimetry and introduction to virtual imaging trials (VITs) for quality assessment and optimization in dental CBCT imaging;
                                                                              2. Quality assurance of CBCT devices in Belgium

                                                                              This webinar has been accredited by EBAMP as a CPD event for Medical Physicists and has been granted 10 CPD points at EQF Level 8. The Accreditation Code for the event is APP00311.

                                                                                Live Q&A session for SIG_FRID webinars on the basics of dosimetry

                                                                                  This webinar has been accredited by EBAMP as a CPD event for Medical Physicists and has been granted 10 CPD points at EQF Level 8. The Accreditation Code for the event is APP00304.

                                                                                    This webinar focuses on the scope of the Early Career/Young professionals

                                                                                       Dosimetry Case Report Meeting on bone marrow dosimetry: 'Image-Based Bone Marrow Dosimetry Following ¹⁷⁷Lu-DOTATATE Treatment: Pitfalls of Low Activity Concentrations and Bone Metastases'

                                                                                        Scientific meeting ‘Radiobiology for radionuclide therapy & dosimetry’

                                                                                        'Radiobiology in radionuclide therapy: necessity when determining the dose-effect relationship'

                                                                                        'Biologically driven dosimetric modelling: bridging the gap between radionuclide therapy and radiotherapy'

                                                                                        'Are dose constraints resulting from EBRT directly transferable to radionuclide therapy?'


                                                                                        Julie Nonnekens, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

                                                                                        Giulia Tamborino, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

                                                                                        Lidia Strigari, IRRCS University Hospital of Bologna, Italy

                                                                                          Ane Appelt is a qualified clinical medical physicist in the radiotherapy department at St James's University Hospital, Leeds and an associate professor at the University of Leeds.  She is involved in numerous clinical trials of new radiotherapy treatment strategies and is currently leading a multicentre, competitively funded, randomised dose-escalation trial. She is principal investigator or co-investigator on active grants worth over £5.2 million.

                                                                                          Her research interests include: Quantitative radiation oncology; Optimisation of radiotherapy for anorectal and lung cancer patients and for re-irradiation; Innovative treatment strategies for rectal cancer, including non-surgical treatment & Design and conduct of clinical trials.

                                                                                          Lorenzo Nicola Mazzoni is a medical physics expert and radiation protection expert currently working at the Medical Physics Unit of Prato-Pistoia, AUSL Toscana Centro, in Italy. He started his research in statistical mechanics applied to protein models, and then moved to the field of medical physics, dealing with quantitative medical imaging, particularly MRI, and radiation protection in hospital settings.

                                                                                          He is a lecturer in various safety and training courses and has been teaching the master's program in magnetic resonance at the University of Florence for many years. He is currently a member of the EFOMP European and International Matter committee, a member of the ECMP 2024 scientific committee, the EFOMP representative to the ICRP, and a member of the ICRP TG 127.

                                                                                            EC-SIG ECMP 2024 warm-up webinar "Working in Industry – tips for the medical physicist"


                                                                                            Jim O’Doherty, Siemens Medical Solutions, Malvern PA, United States

                                                                                            Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, United States

                                                                                            Radiography & Diagnostic Imaging, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

                                                                                              The European Congress of Medical Physics 2024 Warm Up webinar presents "Funding opportunities for Medical Physics Research"


                                                                                              Prof. Dr. Christoph Hoeschen, Professor, Chair 'Medical Technical Systems'  and acting Head of Institute for Medical Technology, Faculty for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany

                                                                                              Dr. Csilla Pesznyák, Associate Professor at Budapest University of Technological Economics Hungary, National Institute of Oncology, Centre of Radiotherapy,  Budapest, Hungary

                                                                                              National Institute of Oncology, Centre of Radiotherapy, Budapest, Hungary

                                                                                              President of European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN)

                                                                                                The aim of the series of talks was to bring Medical Physicists closer together during the Covid19  first and second wave in 2020, discuss new working processes and practices, issues arising in our working environments, share approaches to providing physics services through the pandemic, define novel strategies and prepare ourselves for the challenges to come. 

                                                                                                Following on from EFOMP president's Marco Brambilla’s communication on the corona virus in March 2020, it became clear that many physicists were having similar experiences in adapting their medical physics service in the Covid19 era. It was also evident that sharing of good scientific knowledge and experience would help defeat the virus (or instead perhaps “would help in the fight against the virus”).

                                                                                                The webinars are organised by IAPM (Irish Association of Medical Physicists) and EFOMP with contribution from the Medical Physics societies of Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden and UK. Lectures have a duration of 45 minutes and 15 minutes discussion with audience interaction and polls.

                                                                                                EFOMP Organizers: Paddy Gilligan, Efi Koutsouveli, David Lurie.

                                                                                                  The purpose of the course is to introduce medical physicists to new tools and methods that can be applied in QA routines to improve efficiency and quality of work. These methods include automation of image-based QA, application of model observers and AI-based image quality analysis. The course also includes topics related to patient specific dosimetry, dose tracking and protocol management systems; tools that are essential for a medical physicist. The course will also discuss how to adopt these topics in the training of future medical physicists. Every webinar will also include a practical demonstration of a QA- or dosimetry-related topic.

                                                                                                  The programme has been accredited by EBAMP as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 7 and awarded 23 CPD credit points.

                                                                                                   NACP Organisers: Daniel Aadnevik, Ahmed Jibril Abdi, Mika Kortesniemi, Touko Kaasalainen, Angelica Svalkvist, Joanna Sierpowska

                                                                                                    A new series of EFOMP-COCIR webinars are planned between March and October 2021. These webinars will give an overview of IEC standards related to different disciplines such as radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, diagnostic imaging, radiation dosimetry and electrical systems.

                                                                                                    COCIR Organizers: Riccardo Corridori

                                                                                                    EFOMP Organizers: Loredana Marcu, Emer Kenny, Efi Koutsouveli

                                                                                                      This "warm-up webinars series" is a precursor to the 3rd European Congress of Medical Physics (ECMP 2020) which will take place virtually, initially planned to take place in Torino, Italy, in June 2021.

                                                                                                      Organisers: Mika Kortesniemi, Efi Koutsouveli, David Lurie, Paddy Gilligan

                                                                                                        Providing experts in the field of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologic Physics with high-quality practical (EQF8) training is what the EUTEMPE team stands for. Unfortunately, COVID-19 is preventing us from doing this in the way we love: welcoming you to our facilities where you interact with our experts and gain practical experience, top level knowledge, skills and competencies. However, our aim of sharing our knowledge to help colleagues in our field grow as medical physicists has not changed!  We just needed to find other ways to do this!  Hence, we are very happy to announce a series of EFOMP-EUTEMPE didactic webinars, followed by online masterclasses, which are free of charge. The webinars will be in a familiar format, introducing a specific subject by means of a presentation, with room for interaction with the lecturers. The online masterclass for each topic will follow on two weeks after the original webinar. The masterclasses, which have a greater number of educational hours, will provide the opportunity to delve deeper into the subject, gaining a more comprehensive understanding of the topic and helping cement the knowledge gained.  The Masterclasses will consist of a mix of (short) lectures and short (group) assignments, and they will be highly interactive!

                                                                                                        EUTEMPE Organisers: Danielle Dobbe, Ruben van Engen 

                                                                                                        EFOMP Organisers: Paddy Gilligan, Efi Koutsouveli, David Lurie 

                                                                                                          This Escape Room stems from the previous experience in developing live Escape Rooms on Medical Physics for science dissemination by the Physics Department of the University of Turin (UNITO) in collaboration with the Italian Association of Medical Physics (AIFM) and the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN – Torino).

                                                                                                          The European Federation of Medical Physics Organisations (EFOMP), in collaboration with UNITO, AIFM and INFN, is pleased to launch for the first time a new digital Escape Room on Medical Physics topics.

                                                                                                          Are you ready to solve clues, quizzes and games on Medical Physics? 

                                                                                                          Challenge yourself and try the digital experience of the Medical Physics Escape Room.