Enrolment options

    EFOMP would like to invite you to the next ESMPE in AI in medical physics. The school will be organized as pre-course in remote with self-training  (AI course part 1) plus a 2.5 days face to face meeting (advanced AI course part 2, which will be held in October 2023). The course is organized in collaboration with COCIR

    The online course is preparatory to the AI part 2 course. Participation in the part 2 course requires that you have taken (self-study) the online course.

    The school will be focused on the medical physics aspects of artificial intelligence and will be aimed at presenting the background, practical methodology, state-of-the-art and future developments of AI.

    This course (remote self-training and evaluation) is intended for medical physicists who wish to expand their knowledge in artificial intelligence. Certificates of attendance will be issued to those who attend the whole course (part 1 e part 2).

    Content for the remote training

    The strategic role, competence and education of medical physicist in the era of AI

    • Medical Imaging analysis
    • Basics of machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) in imaging
    • Introduction on how to develop AI applications
    • Role of the MP: how to deal with AI-based commercial solutions
    • Big Data and Enterprise Imaging
    • Radiomics
    • Quality, Regulatory and Ethical issues


    Federica Zanca (Chair of the School), Alberto Torresin (Chair of the School),

    Brendan McClean (Chair of the ESMPE)

    Efi Koutsouveli (Secretary General) and

    Christos Alexakos (ESMPE online platform)

    Guests cannot access this course. Please log in.