Enrolment options

    The school will be aimed at advanced tasks connected with the application of statistics in Medical Physics.

    This one day satellite meeting will be held in conjunction with the 2nd European Congress of Medical Physics and will cover the methods most frequently used in medical statistics.

    The event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board for Accreditation in Medical Physics) and is intended for practising clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in data management and research.

    EFOMP and ESMPE hugely wish to thank all the speakers who  have dedicated and shared some of their  valuable and precious  time to the success of this experience for the  benefit and professional growth of our MPE Community. We look forward to welcoming them again.

    Organizers: Marco Brambilla (Scientific Chair and Chair of the School), Peter Sharp

    e-learning editing :  Alberto Torresin and Christos Alexakos (EFOMP Web Master)

    e-learning supervisor : Alberto Torresin

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