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    The European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP)1 is an umbrella organization for 36 National Member Organisations which together represent around 10000 medical physicists and clinical engineers working in the field of medical physics. Supporting bodies of EFOMP are its 6 advisory committees, the European School for Medical Physics Experts (ESMPE), the European Journal of Medical Physics (EJMP), Working Groups and Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

    The first EFOMP SIG (Radionuclide Internal Dosimetry / SIG_FRID) was officially created in February 2021. The SIG_FRID is a permanent structure with an objective to create a network of medical physicists working in radionuclide dosimetry and fulfil the need for networking, education, research and professional exchanges in this field.

    EFOMP SIG_FRID organised the 1st EFOMP Symposium on Molecular Radiotherapy Dosimetry in Athens, Greece from November 9th to November 11th 2023. The Symposium gave the opportunity:

    • to review and share ongoing developments in radionuclide imaging and dosimetry;
    • to consider how personalised treatments may improve effectiveness at a time of rapid expansion of theragnostics and molecular radiotherapy
    • to discuss networking and synergies within a multi-disciplinary community at a time of challenge and opportunity.

    This event brought together, for the first time, 180 physicists and clinicians with a strong interest in molecular radiotherapy. Scientific aspects concerning imaging, internal dosimetry and radiation protection was discussed in addition to clinical practice. A main aim of the meeting was to share experience and resources. It has been an opportunity for stakeholders to build networks, to discuss how to move forward and to establish close working relationships between academia, the clinic and industry.

    The Symposium was hosted by the Hellenic Association of Medical Physicists and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Its structure was composed of an Organising and Scientific Committee and within the programme there were 8 regular sessions , 3 ePoster sessions, 2 Continuous Professional Development (CPD) sessions, a Round table and a Sponsor Session. EFOMP policy statement NO. 19: Dosimetry in nuclear medicine therapy – Molecular radiotherapy 2 was officially presented here.

    This abstract book contains the abstracts of the 1st Symposium on Molecular Radiotherapy Dosimetry. All studies were presented as oral communications during the event and were also available during the meeting.

    This event has been accredited by the European Board for Accreditation in Medical Physics (EBAMP) as a CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 7 and has been judged to have 19 hours of educational experience, which, according to the EBAMP protocol is equivalent to 27 CPD points (Accreditation Code for the event is: APP00249).

    IAM Self Enrolment
    IAM Self Enrolment