The school aims to illustrate the EFOMP PET/CT and PET/MR Quality Control Protocol. 

    This one-day event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) as CPD event for Medical Physicists at EQF Level 8 and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in Nuclear Medicine.


    Roberta Matheoud University Hospital Maggiore della Carità, Novara, Italy

    Jaroslav Ptacek University Hospital Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic

    Marine Soret Service de Médecine Nucléaire, AP-HP Sorbonne Université, Paris, France

      The EFOMP in collaboration with EURADOS, IRPA, the Kaunas University of Technology and the Lithuanian Association of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering organised ESMPE school in Individual dosimetry in medical applications 2021.

      The school is a 1-day satellite Workshop before and in conjunction with the 15th International Conference “Medical Physics in the Baltic States 2021», which will be held on 5-6 November 2021 in Kaunas, Lithuania.

      The school will be aimed at advanced tasks connected with staff dosimetry in medical applications. The school will cover all the aspects related to the establishment of a programme of individual monitoring for workers in medical facilities.

        This one day satellite meeting will be held in conjunction with the 3rd European Congress of Medical Physics. This mini-course will focus on practical issues related to the implementation of clinical nuclear medicine dosimetry, mostly in a therapeutic context.

        The morning session will present a basic reminder of NM dosimetry principles and use, discuss available software solutions for clinical dosimetry and present uncertainty analysis applied to Nuclear Medicine dosimetry practice according to recent EANM guidelines*. The afternoon session will be dedicated to reproducibility, robustness and metrology applied to nuclear medicine dosimetry. Finally, OpenDose3D, an opensource 3D Slicer module for patientspecific dosimetry will be demonstrated. The event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board for Accreditation in Medical Physics) and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in the field of NM dosimetry.

        Organizers: Manuel Bardiès, Jaroslav Ptáček (Scientific Chairs) Alberto Torresin (Chair of the School)

          The workshop PET-CT " PET-CT Molecular Imaging: physics, advances & clinical applications" took place virtually on February 6, 2021 in the memory of our colleague and member of the Hellenic Association of Medical Physics (HAMP) board Maria Kotzasarlidou, who lost the fight with COVID-19 in December 2020.

          HAMP workshop on HAMP: PET-CT " PET-CT  Molecular Imaging: physics, advances  & clinical applications" (5h)

          The educational event is jointly organised by the Medical Physics Unit of the University of Athens, the Hellenic Association of Medical Physicists and is supported by the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics

            The ESMPE will organise medical physics education and training events specifically targeted towards Medical Physicists who are already MPEs or would like to achieve MPE status.

            These events are open to all European Medical Physicists and will be accredited by an independent body to ensure that they are at the required educational level, i.e., Level 8 of the European Qualifications Framework. 

            The ESMPE is committed to document, implement and maintain a quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness in order to assure a quality service to individuals attending the School.

            Organizers: Jaroslav Ptáček, Tereza Kráčmerova (Czech Republic), Manuel Bardiès (Scientific Chair), Alberto Torresin (Chair of the School)

            e-learning editing AVC-ČVUT, z.s. and Christos Alexakos (EFOMP Web Master)

            e-learning supervisor : Alberto Torresin

              The EFOMP, EANM (The European Association of Nuclear Medicine) and COCIR (The European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry) in collaboration with the Czech Association of Medical Physicists and the Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation of Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague would like to present the  ESMPE e-learning course on Nuclear Medicine 2020. 

              During the course advanced tasks connected to molecular imaging related to methods, detector technology and the main physics aspects of multimodal PET and SPECT imaging systems, patient dosimetry and optimization are discussed.

              This edition is jointly organized by EFOMP, ESMIT and COCIR. Lecturers identified by COCIR will give insides on the new scientific trends for novel PET and SPECT equipments.

              The first day is dedicated to SPECT, the second to PET, the third is both.  New developments of digital PET are presented. In the first two days in the morning scientific lectures from Physics prospective are presented and later scientific lectures by Industry 

              This two-and-half day event were accredited by EBAMP (European Board of Accreditation for Medical Physics) and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who are involved in the Nuclear Medicine Imaging field. 

              Organizers: Adriaan Lammertsma , Stefaan Vandenberghe (Scientific Chairs), Alberto Torresin (Chair of the School) ,Jaroslav Ptácek, Tereza Hanušová (CAMP)

              e-learning editing :  AVC-ČVUT, z.s. and Christos Alexakos (EFOMP Web Master)

              e-learning supervisor : Alberto Torresin

                The school will be aimed at introducing the most recent aspects of Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry.

                This one day satellite meeting will be held in conjunction with the 2nd European Congress of Medical Physics.

                The event will be accredited by EBAMP (European Board for Accreditation in Medical Physics) and is intended for practising clinical Medical Physicists who are involved, or intend to be involved, in Nuclear Medicine dosimetry.

                The event is under the auspices of the EANM.


                • The MIRD formalism for radiopharmaceutical dosimetry
                • Diagnostic dosimetry
                • Activity determination
                • Cumulated activity assessment
                • Absorbed dose algorithms
                • Absorbed dose effect
                • Bone marrow dosimetry
                • Dosimetry for PRRT
                • Preclinical dosimetry
                • Monte-Carlo modelling in nuclear Medicine

                EFOMP and ESMPE hugely wish to thank all the speakers who  have dedicated and shared some of their  valuable and precious  time to the success of this experience for the  benefit and professional growth of our MPE Community. We look forward to welcoming them again.

                Organizers: Manuel Bardiès (Scientific Chair), Marta Cremonesi, Marco Brambilla (Chair of the School)

                e-learning editing :  Alberto Torresin and Christos Alexakos (EFOMP Web Master)

                e-learning supervisor : Alberto Torresin

                  The Czech Association of Medical Physicists in collaboration with EFOMP and Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation of Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague would would like to present the ESMPE e-learning course on the EFOMP School for Medical Physics Experts - Prague, Summer 2013. 

                  The school will be aimed at advanced tasks related to PET/CT - from specification of PET/CT system properties to image reconstruction, fusion and evaluation. This two-and-half day event will be an EFOMP accredited one and is intended for practicing clinical Medical Physicists who want to become a Medical Physics Expert in Nuclear Medicine.

                  EFOMP and ESMPE hugely wish to thank all the speakers who  have dedicated and shared some of their  valuable and precious  time to the success of this experience for the  benefit and professional growth of our MPE Community. We look forward to welcoming them again.

                  Organizers: Jaroslav Ptacek, Martin Steiner (Czech Republic) Carmel Caruana, Marco Brambilla, Alberto Torresin, Peter Sharp, Stelios Christofides (EFOMP)

                  e-learning editing:  Jaroslav Ptáček, Alberto Torresin

                  e-learning supervisor: Alberto Torresin